Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Check me out
I just took this picture of Quinn tonight sitting in his highchair. Notice his 3 new top teeth? Yes, 3 at the same time! Also, think the kid needs a haircut? I was running late this morning & didn't realize how crazy his hair was. If I had, I would have wet it down & combed it down. He was at daycare like this all day...o well. For some reason the back of his hair grows much faster than the rest. It's definitely time for another haircut!

Merry Christmas!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
9 months old
Quinn is 9 months old today. He went to daycare today for 3 & 1/2 hours and did ok. He wouldn't drink his bottle but he did take a short nap. He hasn't eaten very well yesterday or today. He has another tooth coming in and he had 4 shots yesterday...poor little guy. Tomorrow he'll go to daycare all day so we'll see how he does. Hopefully I'll be ok since this will be the first time I'll be away from him all day.
The first picture is from tonight. The other pictures are from this week.

The first picture is from tonight. The other pictures are from this week.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Quinn is now officially Quinn Michael Makuley. We had our court date this morning for his re-adoption & name change. We now have to send in documents to get a birth certificate and SSN number. I'm going to try to get these things done w/in the next 2 days since I go back to work on Friday. We also have our first post adoption meeting w/ our homestudy agency on Monday. It's at 3 pm which is right in the middle of nap time so we'll see how it goes!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
Quinn celebrated by getting a new tooth. One of his top teeth broke through & another one is getting ready to break through as well. Surprisingly he has not been fussy. He has been waking up at night more than his normal one time for a bottle. But, if that's the only change while he's teething we're fine with that.
His new tricks this week include shaking his head no & waving. The waving is really cute...he actually waves toward himself rather than out.

Quinn celebrated by getting a new tooth. One of his top teeth broke through & another one is getting ready to break through as well. Surprisingly he has not been fussy. He has been waking up at night more than his normal one time for a bottle. But, if that's the only change while he's teething we're fine with that.
His new tricks this week include shaking his head no & waving. The waving is really cute...he actually waves toward himself rather than out.
Quinn & his cousin Grace in their PJ's. Grace was giving Quinn a kiss.
Quinn in Uncle Josh's hat...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Big smile
When Quinn laughs he has a HUGE smile! Not much is new since the last post. He's still belly crawling everywhere. All he wants to do anymore is pull himself up. He'll walk if we hold his hands but he's very very wobbly. We'll probably put our Christmas tree up this weekend. We are putting it in our front living room since we are never in that room & so hopefully he won't be able to knock it down!

Monday, November 17, 2008
Standing up
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Go Bucks!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Hanging out with mommy
I've been getting a little stir crazy being at home so today I figured I would take some pictures. It's so hard to get Quinn to smile because he sees the orange light on the camera & just stares at it.
Quinn is doing a few new things. One is clicking his tongue. The other is pulling himself up to stand up. So far he's only done this if we are sitting beside him on the floor & he'll grab onto us to pull himself up. He's still belly crawling so I wonder if he'll walk before he really crawls. I'm not sure I'm ready for walking yet.

Quinn is doing a few new things. One is clicking his tongue. The other is pulling himself up to stand up. So far he's only done this if we are sitting beside him on the floor & he'll grab onto us to pull himself up. He's still belly crawling so I wonder if he'll walk before he really crawls. I'm not sure I'm ready for walking yet.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
New toy
Friday, November 7, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
First haircut
We took Quinn to get his first haircut tonight. His hair was all different lengths & starting to grow down past his ears on the sides. So, we decided it was time. He did pretty good but he fussed a little towards the end. The first 2 pictures are from getting his haircut & the last one is once we were back home.

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Dancin' machine video
Quinn loves his music table & loves to dance! His dancing includes bobbing his head. He knows how to make the music turn on & then dances. He will really get going if he's laying on his stomach in front of it...he bobs his head so much he'll bang it on the toy, not on purpose of course. Either way he dances it makes us laugh every single time.
Below are some pics from the day we carved our pumpkin. We sat Quinn in his high-chair while we carved the pumpkin. He wasn't too interested.
We went to the doctor today. He weighs 16 lbs. & is 25 in. long (with clothes on) so he hasn't gained that much. He had to get 4 shots, 2 in each thigh, which was obviously not the highlight of his day! As soon as I picked him up he was fine & stopped crying.

We went to the doctor today. He weighs 16 lbs. & is 25 in. long (with clothes on) so he hasn't gained that much. He had to get 4 shots, 2 in each thigh, which was obviously not the highlight of his day! As soon as I picked him up he was fine & stopped crying.
Quinn & Daddy w/ our pumpkin
Quinn & Mommy w/ our pumpkin
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Adam went to FL this weekend for the Browns v. Jacksonville football game so Quinn & I headed down to my parents house for the weekend.
He is almost crawling. He will move each knee once but doesn't know to move his hands, so he then just flattens out on his belly. He'll also get up on his feet & hands...we're not sure what this move is all about.
He is babbling a lot more, pretty much constantly.
We'll post some pics this week of Quinn in his Halloween costume...gotta get a good pic first! If it's not too cold he can help me pass out candy on Friday night.
He is almost crawling. He will move each knee once but doesn't know to move his hands, so he then just flattens out on his belly. He'll also get up on his feet & hands...we're not sure what this move is all about.
He is babbling a lot more, pretty much constantly.
We'll post some pics this week of Quinn in his Halloween costume...gotta get a good pic first! If it's not too cold he can help me pass out candy on Friday night.
Quinn w/ his cousin Dylan
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Circleville Pumpkin Show
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