Quinn slept until 6 am this morning. He also slept pretty much all morning & early afternoon...after diaper changes & formula of course. He was then up from about 3 - 8 pm.
We gave him a bath this morning which he did not like. He does not like laying down on his back for a bath or diaper change. He does
ok w/ the diaper change as long as he has a toy he can hold so we'll have to try that for his next bath. For the bath we have one of those sponge things that lay in the tub. Hopefully the next bath goes better.
Adam went to immigration today to apply for Quinn's passport. We should get it next Thursday. We more than likely will not be flying out on Friday 10/3. It will probably be Monday (10/6) or Tuesday (10/7).
We went out to dinner tonight. We have been told that it's common for the staff at restaurants to want to hold your baby while you eat. It happened last night to the other 2 couples when we stopped for dinner in
DaNang before flying back to Hanoi. I'm guessing they didn't try to hold Quinn b/c he was asleep in my arms the whole time we were there. However, it happened tonight. I kept him in the carrier thinking that way they wouldn't come up & ask. But, it didn't work. One of the waitresses came up & pretty much took him right out of my arms. She walked him around the restaurant & the other waitresses held him too. A few times I couldn't see him & I got up to check on him.
Every time I did that they told me to sit down & eat, he was
ok. I know this is normal here but I did not like that at all. I told Adam we should order room service the rest of the time we're here!
Walking back to the hotel Quinn fell asleep in the carrier (last picture). We fed him rice cereal tonight & also a bottle. He only takes about 3 & 1/2 oz. of formula every feeding. He also will not drink out of the bottles I brought. Luckily his nanny gave me the bottle he was drinking out of when we left the orphanage. We walked to a store close by today & bought another one just like it & he's been drinking out of it.
It sprinkled all day today. We're hoping it will be sunny tomorrow so we can go to the pool. Quinn has very cute swim trunks w/ a matching hat!
He is smaller than we thought he would be. The 6-9 month clothes are big on him. We have no clue how much he weighs but Adam's guess is 14 lbs.
One thing he absolutely loves is the mirror. He smiles & giggles at himself. It's very cute & entertaining. He has 2 bottom teeth & anything in his hands goes right into his mouth. I didn't feel or see any other teeth than the 2 bottom ones. He can't yet sit up on his own so we either hold him or prop him up to play w/ his toys.
More pics tomorrow!