Sunday, November 29, 2009


Where has the month of November gone??? We have had some very odd's been warm in Ohio in November. I don't think I ever remember it being this nice. We had snow flurries on Thanksgiving Day and today it was back to 60 again. We even have had a few days this month where we didn't even need to wear jackets. Very odd but very nice.
Quinn is talking up a storm. It's getting to the point to where we can usually get what he's saying after a few repeats. He still babbles but usually one of us can understand what he's saying. The new thing I'm trying to teach him is to ask "where were you born" and for him to say "Vietnam". We have been practicing and he can say "biet-nam".
Quinn's new favorite are his 2 fishy movies. We have The Reef and borrowed Nemo from Grandma & Grandpa Makuley. He will sit and watch both movies. He LOVES the fishy movies and usually asks for "fishy" first thing every morning. We try to watch a little before bedtime but usually on the weekends we give in and watch "fishy" a few times. So, Adam & I have seen The Reef 50 times by now.
We spent Saturday night in Cleveland and to our surprise Quinn slept all night. Usually when we are away from home he does not sleep well and we are all up off and on throughout the night. Maybe he's finally getting used to it. I hope so. I put him in bed with me at 8 pm and I tried closing my eyes and telling him it was time to go night night. This did not work. He would tap me and say "wake up mommy". After telling him if he didn't lay down he was going into the pack & play to sleep by himself he was out within 10 minutes. We'll see if he continues to sleep when we're away from home of if this was just a fluke!
Above are a few pictures from November.