Sunday, May 29, 2011


Quinn with his Big Buzz

Quinn having a smoothie @ the Asian Festival

Caden @ the Asian Festival

Both boys fell asleep on the way home from the Asian Festival

Drinking the gross water out of the water table.

Our weekend started with a trip to Children's ER on Friday night. Quinn finished his supper and pushed his chair back. When he pushed back it tipped over and he fell, hitting the back of his head on the hutch. I was out to eat with a friend so met them @ the ER. By then Quinn was fine. They put gel on his cut to numb it, rather than a shot. He did fine with that. However, when it was time to lay on the table to get stitches he was not fine. A nurse held his head, Adam held his arms and I held his legs. He fought and screamed the whole time. 4 stitches later we were on our way home. While he was getting stitches I promised him a big Buzz Lightyear...a toy he's been wanting for a long time. So, I stopped by Target on the way home to get it for him. I figured a trip to the ER deserved a new toy. He's been fine the rest of the weekend but it was not a fun experience for any of us!

Saturday morning we went to the Asian Festival. Quinn liked the children's area and both boys loved the food.

Today Caden has mastered climbing onto a little chair and then onto their little table. Adam turned around and Caden was standing on top of it. He then moved to the coffee table. He can get onto it without standing on anything else. Of course he doesn't understand that he'll fall off so we have to watch him like a hawk. We'll see how long it is until he's at the ER!

The weekend isn't over yet....we'll see what tomorrow brings!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011


We found out yesterday the best news ever. Well, the best news ever for Quinn. Samson the monster truck is from Circleville! And, not only is he from Circleville but they were having an open house at the shop. So, we surprised Quinn and took him there yesterday. He was pretty excited to see the big monster truck up close and was also very excited that he was just sitting there and would not be turned on. When turned on they are very loud and therefore very scary to Quinn. They have a little shop where they sell t-shirts and Samson monster trucks. Quinn was lucky enough to get a Samson monster truck. The bad news is that Samson was not well built and Quinn had 3 of the 4 tires broken off within a few hours. Since we bought something we also got a free program and an 8x10 picture of Samson. Needless to say it was a very fun surprise for Quinn! Caden on the other hand was not as impressed! We'll see as he gets older if he loves monster trucks as much as his big brother.