Sunday, July 17, 2011

Playing in the dirt

Quinn decided to play in the dirt in our little garden one day and Caden, of course, followed. Caden loves to follow Quinn around, wants to play with whatever Quinn is playing with and does whatever Quinn does (I'm pretty sure this is where the climbing idea came from).

Caden's favorite thing to do

Caden is a climber! His new climbing skill is to pull out a kitchen chair, climb on the chair and then climb up onto the kitchen table. He can get himself down from the coffee table and their little table but the kitchen table is a definite no no. He hears the word "no" a lot!

Bubble bath

July 4th

We took both boys to the fireworks this year. I wasn't sure that Caden would be able to stay awake that long but since there were a lot of people, and he's super nosey, he stayed awake. He wasn't scared of the fireworks either. Quinn loved them, just like last year.