He's definitely acting more like a toddler these days. He continues learning new words and has learned to attempt counting from daycare. He'll say one, free, five, ten or sometimes just one, ten. He's putting multiple words together. He's really into drinking from a big boy cup now. So far we've only had one major spill.
We haven't even thought about potty training yet. They won't start at daycare until he's 2.5 so there's really no point in us trying at home. It would just be confusing to him. I think he's still too young anyway.
Quinn got to play in the snow for the first time. We had about 2-3 inches. He loved it! We only have mittens for him and they are too big so he would shake his hands & they gloves come right off. Since he wouldn't keep them on his hands were pretty red and cold. Therefore, we didn't stay outside too long. We went to buy a sled this weekend and of course both places we went were sold out. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera, just my cell phone. If we can figure out how to get my cell phone pictures on the computer I'll post the snow pics.
1 comment:
Happy 22 months, Quinn! He's getting so big. We have your Christmas card hanging at Lya's height on the fridge and we have found her looking at it on several occasions. Last night we said, "who is that?" She answered, "Quinn." So sweet. I owe you an email and I am sorry. Its been a crazy month plus around here and I'm way behind--but I'll email soon.
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