Quinn in his big brother PJ's
I am leaving for S Korea on 2/17!! My flight leaves Columbus at 7 am. I fly to Chicago and then from there to Seoul. There are a total of 4 of us going. One other mom and 2 women who are just escorting. We are all in OH but all flying to Chicago from different OH airports. We are all on the same flight together from Chicago to Seoul. From Chicago to Seoul it's a 12-13 hour flight so we should arrive around 11:30 OH time, on the 17
th. However, that will be 4:30 pm Seoul time on the 18
th. So, I'm sure we'll be ready for bed as soon as we get to the hotel!
The 2 women who are going over to escort babies home have done this multiple times. I think one said this was her 7
th trip and the other her 5
th. They have each emailed suggested places to take us. So, we'll have our own free tour guides! I plan to buy some things to bring home for
Caden as he gets older. I can check 2 suitcases with no
addt'l charge so my plan is to pack one of them very light so I'll have room for everything I buy!
I know we will get to visit the babies one day while there. Our agency said we'll probably be there a 1/2 day. Then, we won't see them again until we are at the airport. I'm a little nervous as to how the flight home will go. We will get a bottle and a can of the Korean formula
Caden is on. Our agency advised they sometimes send home a can of anti-
diarrhea formula because the babies are sometimes so upset during this transition. So, we'll see how
Caden and the other 3 babies do on the flights home. I know Quinn's first day with us he slept all day. I think that was just his way of dealing with the transition. Sleeping is not Quinn's thing...he has never been and still isn't a sleeper! We're hoping
Caden is a good sleeper.
I think Quinn has realized
Caden will be coming home very soon. We've been talking about it for a while but now we are bringing out the baby stuff. The highchair is in the kitchen, I washed bottles tonight and we went through
Caden's closet last night. So, Quinn has been a little off. All of a sudden he is really clingy (clingy is normal for him but this is extreme), calling me mama and Adam
dada instead of the usual mommy/daddy, and we're back to crying when I drop him off at daycare which hasn't happened in probably 4-5 months. Quinn is also a huge daddy's boy and will say that daddy cannot hold, hug, or kiss
Caden and that only mommy can. Hopefully he'll adjust
ok. I'm sure it will just take time.
The hotel in Seoul has a business center according to their website so I'll try to update the blog. However, if I update it there probably won't be any pictures. I'll have to upload pictures once I'm home.