The flight home was much better than the flight there. It was 2 hours shorter and just went by faster seeing that I had Caden to take care of. He did so good on the plane. He would be awake, we would play with toys and watch TV, he would then take a bottle and sleep for a while. He did this a few times and then the last 4 hours of the flight he was awake. He rarely cried, only when he was hungry.
Speaking of eating...WOW, he is an eater! He chugs 8 oz. bottles! His foster mom said she gave him rice cereal and bananas. I tried rice cereal and baby food but he's not really into it. As soon as the spoon is in his mouth he moves his head. He doesn't spit the food out though. So, we'll keep trying.
Our first night at home went really well. Caden gave Quinn a few smiles. He went right to Adam. He played with toys and was checking everything out. At 6:30 he was exhausted and fell asleep. He slept from 6:30-11:30, from 12:30-3:30, and 5:30-7:30....10 hours total!! He falls asleep easily (so far) and doesn't wake up when I put him in his crib (again, so far). I am surprised he sleeps in his crib because he was used to family/co-sleeping with his foster mom. So far so good. This is quite shocking for have a good eater and a good sleeper as big brother Quinn is not really into either!
Quinn has so far adjusted well to having a baby brother. Last night he gave Caden lots of hugs and kisses. Quinn said Caden's crazy hair ticked him when he gave him kisses on his head. This morning Quinn said "Caden is not going to Korea. Caden is going to stay at my house.". I guess this means he realizes that Caden is here to stay!
I'll post pictures of our homecoming later. My wonderful cousin came with Adam and Quinn to the airport and took pics of us seeing each other as a family of 4 for the first time! She also got some really good ones of Quinn & Caden once we were home last night. They all turned out so good. I'll post those pics later.
Caden just woke up from his nap (2 hours!!!).
I'll update again soon!
Ahh! He's so cute. I was thrilled to see an update with pictures. I'm so happy to hear that things are going well so far. Congratulations on being a family of four and home together!
OMG! Caden is a doll and that hair is hilarious! I love all the pictures and can't wait to see more of them. I'm so glad to hear that your flight back went smoothly and that Caden was calm and relaxed. Happy to know that Quinn is adjusting well to being a big brother. Can't wait to hear more. WELCOME HOME!
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