Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Caden update

Caden has been doing sooooo good. Not only has his adjustment and attachment/bonding been quick and easy but he's also doing new things lately. He is now saying mama, dada, and other babbles. He imitates us when we clap or say "yay" he will clap and when we blink both of our eyes he will too. He is walking really good. He can stand up while in the middle of the floor without holding onto anything. He is into EVERYTHING....opening drawers, opening cabinets, into the dog food and water and putting everything into his mouth (including dog food one day). He is so easy going, a cuddle bug (when tired) and an overall easy baby. We are so lucky!

At his 1 year check up he weighed 24.6 lbs (73rd percentile) and was 31.5 inches (92nd percentile). He is a big boy, especially compared to our little Quinn! At Quinn's 3 year check up in March he was 33.5 inches and he weighed 24 lbs at Caden's 1 year check up. So, it probably won't be too long before Caden passes him in height too. Caden had grown an inch since coming home to his 1 year check up!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Caden is going to pass Quinn up in no time at all. I'm hoping for the same easy transition here at our house :)