Grandma gave Quinn a belt that was daddy's when he was little. Quinn is quite fond of the new belt and likes to wear it every day. However, he prefers to wear it around his shirt/waist. We tried jean shorts and putting the belt though the belt loops but that was not approved by Quinn. So, I guess he'll just continue to wear it around his waist.

Quinn has a lot of imagination. He likes to act like he is Buzz
Spiderman and sometimes likes to play either pizza delivery man or ride his scooter through the house and have me say red light, green light, turn left, turn right, etc. He doesn't follow the rules with the scooter game so he usually ends up getting tickets from mommy aka the police. We have been spending a lot of time at the pool this summer. Quinn can "swim" under water in the baby pool, jumps in from the side, and likes to go under at the same time as mommy or daddy...whoever is holding him. Recently he started wearing his arm
swimmies. So he can now swim across the pool alone and jump in my himself. I think we'll try to get him into swim lessons this winter so hopefully next summer he will be swimming on his own without
swimmies. Quinn will be starting preschool the 2
nd week in September. He will go 2 mornings a week.
Caden had his 15 month appointment on Monday. He was 26 lbs and 33 inches long. He is now in the 68th percentile for weight and 97th percentile for height. Quinn was 25 lbs but I'm not sure about his height. He is still a few inches taller than Caden so maybe he's 35 inches. Caden is saying mama and dada. I think I heard him say more and all done each one time. He knows the signs for these words. Caden continues to climb on EVERYTHING. So, he hears the word "no" many many times a day from me. Maybe that will be his next word?? He does shake his head no sometimes when I tell him no. The kitchen chairs are still Caden's favorite....then from there to climb onto the table. Another favorite of Caden's is to open drawers and take things out. He also hears me saying "no" many many times a day for this! He is still cuddly which I love! He is also still very laid back.
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