Thursday, May 28, 2009

one year ago today

One year ago today, in the morning, I was at work and received a call from our adoption agency about a baby boy. That morning we received his referral pictures and medical information. He still looks the same to me, just older. He definately has changed in the past 8 months!

One of Quinn's referral pictures

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

3 day weekend

We had a 3 day weekend and kept busy all 3 days. Saturday Quinn had his last swim lesson and then we went to the Asian Festival. We then had friends over from FL Saturday night. Sunday and Monday we went to the pool, which was too cold for me. Quinn didn't mind the baby pool or the big pool when Adam took him in. As usual the weekend went by way too fast.

Quinn eating pad thai while watching the lion dance

Not so sure about the lion dance. He did not like the loud music. He was ok as long as we were holding him.
Laughing as he & Tyler were running around the house

more running

all that running made them thirsty so they had a sippy cup chug

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A few new things....

Quinn has never taken an interest in our stairs until this week. He climbed all the way to the top and he was fast. So, we'll be getting some baby gates for the bottom & top of the stairs. We bought him a pair of sunglasses not thinking he would ever wear them but he does & they don't seem to bother him. They have a strap that attaches in the back. Like everything else, they are a little too big for him so it makes his ears stick out. His new favorite toy is his little wagon...he likes to pull it all around the house. Now that it's finally staying warm outside we've been taking his toys out on the patio to play and taking him for walks. He loves being outside!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

This was my first Mother's Day and it was a great day. I am so lucky to have such a sweet beautiful boy!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Oreos are good...

I gave Quinn an oreo today for the first time. He definitely liked it!

Monday, May 4, 2009

14 months old

Quinn is 14 months old today and we've been a family of three a little over 7 months. He's walking everywhere now. He still crawls some but is definitely walking most of the time. He can stand up from a sitting position. Once he learned that he was walking a lot more. He's getting into EVERYTHING! He likes to open every drawer and cabinet. So, he's hearing "no" a lot lately. He's starting to babble constantly. Maybe he'll talk a lot like his mommy! His hair grows so fast. I think we need to start cutting it ourselves. He gets shaggy after about 2 weeks! Here are some pics from today, in his new Elmo shirt.