Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Busy weekend

Although Quinn was not 100% this weekend we had a busy weekend. He either had a virus or is getting molars. If it's molars we still can't see anything so maybe it was a virus. Last night he was finally back to himself...of course at the end of the holiday weekend! We went to the Asian Festival in Columbus on Saturday and to COSI (science museum) on Sunday. The weather is finally hot here. The pool in our subdivision opens this weekend so we're looking forward to pool days on weekends this summer. Here are some recent pictures of Quinn...

A new summer favorite...corn on the cob
and, something he didn't used to like but now loves...pickles

Quinn with his new umbrella he wanted at the Asian Festival

at the Asian Festival again

at COSI playing with the giant Light Bright

fun in the sprinkler

In other news, we had our 1st home study visit today. We have separate follow-up visits next week. We will then have a final visit back at our house. The HS should be done mid-July. Then, we wait wait wait for a referral. The baby should be 5 months old at referral (S Korea allows the babies to be available for domestic adoption up to 5 months). The time frame from HS to referral is 7-9 months. The time frame from referral to baby traveling home is 5-7 months. So, baby should be 10-12 months old at the time he or she comes home. I'll keep the blog updated with baby #2 updates!