Saturday, February 27, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Quinn!

Quinn turns 2 on March 4th but we had his Birthday party today. He, of course, made out pretty well in the present department. I think he consumed more sugar today than he ever has but I guess that's allowed since it was his party! It's hard to believe he's already 2 years old!

Monday, February 8, 2010


We had snow this past weekend so we decided to take Quinn sledding. He was not really a fan. He likes playing in the snow, just not being pulled on the sled. Here are a few pics.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What's new with Quinn...

Chocolate pudding

Big boy bed

Quinn had a few major changes in the month of January:

1. He is now in a new class at daycare. They went ahead and moved him into the 2 year old room. He is now smaller than all the boys and the girls!

2. He is now sleeping in a toddler bed. This was not the plan we had! We assumed since he is so little that we could keep him in the crib until he was 3 if we wanted. Quinn obviously had other plans. He climbed out of his crib one night and did not have a very soft landing. As usual I overreacted, was more upset than Quinn, wanted to take him to the hospital, etc. The first week in the toddler bed was not easy. One of us was sleeping on his floor pretty much the entire week. This week I tried leaving a light on in his room and now we can put him in his room, shut the door and usually within 20 minutes he is asleep in his bed. We just had a night light in his room before and I think it was still just too dark and scary for him. Leaving the lamp on has worked. We are glad to be getting sleep this week!

We have resumed story time at the library. Until Quinn turns 2 (which is only about a month away) it's on Monday nights. The lady who leads the story time is wonderful. Last night Quinn actually sat somewhat still, listened to the stories and then of course showed off some dance moves at the end. The last thing they always do it dance to a song called shake your sillies out. It's a lot of fun and something nice the 3 of us can do together during cold weather.

One last update is that we have started the process to adopt a sibling for Quinn! We are adopting from South Korea. It's approximately a 2 year process. The baby should be about 12 months old at the time he or she comes home. We cannot specify boy or girl, which is how Vietnam was. Traveling is not even an option. So, we will meet the baby in either the Detroit or Chicago airport. We'll keep everyone updated.