Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pics from this past week

Quinn's new Lightening McQueen sleeping bag we got him for his 3rd birthday. He likes to sleep in it in his bed.

Caden has learned that he can crawl under the exersaucer.

Quinn & Caden playing in the basement. Caden is smiling but won't remove that thumb!

The boys in their red chairs in the basement.

The boys in the new double stroller...don't they look thrilled?

They both fell asleep in the car.

Bathtub fun!

This week started out with Caden's first doctor appt. He weighs 22 lbs (68th percentile) and is 30.5 inches (90th percentile). Everything checked out fine. Of course, now he has a cold and is so congested. I guess we may end up taking him back to the doctor next week.
The week ended with Quinn's 3rd birthday (March 4th). We took him to The House of Bounce and he loved it. He has been before but its been a while. He was a little hesitant at first, which is normal for him. But, by the time we were ready to leave he was going down the big slides by himself. He thought all the kids were there because it was his birthday and it was a party for him. We didn't bother to tell him otherwise.
We're hoping for warm weather this coming week!


beckarecka said...

this just makes me smile. Happy Birthday, Quinn!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday, Quinn! The big 3. WOW. Can't wait to meet your little brother.