Friday, September 9, 2011

1st day of pre school

Quinn's first day of pre school went really good. He was a little scared before we left home but once we got there he was fine. Of course, I think this all had to do with the fact that his friend Kyle is in his class. He and Kyle went to Goddard together when I was still working (staying at home now with the boys....I'm not sure I ever posted that???). Once we got there he was so excited to see Kyle. They went in their class like they owned the place, pulling out toys, running around, not shy, etc. Once it was time for me to leave Quinn said he didn't want me to leave but Kyle's mom asked Kyle to show Quinn the other room. Quinn gave me a hug and kiss, said bye and was off with tears. He said pre school is fun and he's ready to go back on Monday!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

YAY, Quinn! So exciting! Neal started preschool today and he LOVED it. Did the same thing. Walked in like he owned the place. So proud of both of you. Can't wait to see you guys next week at camp!